Joel Kinnaman Says His ROBOCOP Reboot Should Have Channelled More Of This Element From The Original Film

Joel Kinnaman Says His ROBOCOP Reboot Should Have Channelled More Of This Element From The Original Film

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Transforminator - 7/19/2013, 6:51 PM
I need a trailer. It has a February release date, and not even teaser trailer yet.
LucasMend - 7/19/2013, 6:54 PM
But apparently it will be pg13. still not trusting.
JoeMomma29 - 7/19/2013, 6:55 PM
TruePunishment - 7/19/2013, 7:00 PM
Robocop is one of my top 3 movies of all time. I'm not to excited about this, although I will see it opening weekend.
Dmon - 7/19/2013, 7:01 PM
Could you imagine if a real RoboCop was manufactured in bankrupt Detroit what a piece of shit it would be. LOL
HugeCapfan - 7/19/2013, 7:02 PM
The New Robocop does look cool and great, my opinion, diminishing fan support, Robocop sequels didn't do as well as the first movie, ...failure of the 2 tv series and a cartoon series, ...and the fading of the Super-cop era of movies (1980-2000).

Still, I think it'll do well, hopefully it'll grab the young generation (Not my generation) audience. Plus, this movie shouldn't have a super mega budget like the Lone Ranger, to be made, so it won't have that negative bit of gossip to hinder it.
TruePunishment - 7/19/2013, 7:03 PM
Supes17 - 7/19/2013, 7:04 PM
This is what you get when Batman and Ironman [frick]
Dmon - 7/19/2013, 7:12 PM
@Gusto This is the only RoboCop Detroit could afford to make in real life:

SugarYumYum - 7/19/2013, 7:17 PM
General consensus seems to be okay not great. Still meh on this.
Minato - 7/19/2013, 7:21 PM
So its a Meh then? Rated R or bust
Nick56 - 7/19/2013, 7:26 PM
So the visuals are great and it homages the original but is its own unique story? Sounds good to me. I could care less about the rating as the over the top gore was an element that I still find pointless in the original. Plus you can get away with a lot nowadays with a pg13 rating...just look at Lone Ranger.
NeoBaggins - 7/19/2013, 7:48 PM
So basically, everyone thought THE IRON KNIGHT was meh.
MatchesMalone1989 - 7/19/2013, 8:02 PM

Ah the good ole days. When shit would get REAL.
KnobGoblin - 7/19/2013, 8:18 PM
PG-13? A damn outrage! Oh well, at least Elysium looks dope, and more in the spirit of the original film. Neil Blomkamp has more respect for the Sci-Fi genre than these money grubbing hacks do.
SnapperCarr - 7/19/2013, 8:25 PM
@Dmon looooooooooooool
thewolfx - 7/19/2013, 9:24 PM
All i saw was

Humperdink - 7/19/2013, 9:29 PM
superotherside - 7/19/2013, 9:38 PM
I love the original so I have high hopes for this!
supermarioworldE - 7/19/2013, 9:45 PM
"The ROBOCOP footage looked absolutely fantastic! The storyline exploring man & machine wrestling w/ his own soul & humanity sounds powerful."

I guess somehow they haven't seen the original?
Vadakin - 7/19/2013, 10:00 PM
You know, and I don't mean to be disrespectful, Detroit going bankrupt would be the perfect way to bring in OCP to effectively take over the city.
NightHawkPW - 7/19/2013, 10:15 PM
People need to stop complaining about a PG-13 rating. Many great films have been PG-13. How come you people can enjoy movies like Avengers and Man Of Steel being at that same rating, but Heaven forbid if the new RoboCop movie is? BTW, do you any of you remember Poltergeist? Yeah, that was PG for crying out loud!
dkhager - 7/19/2013, 10:22 PM
this should not be pg13..the cop needs to be R..plain and simple...ill still watch it and prob like it..but i wish theyd go R
holeymonkey - 7/19/2013, 10:28 PM
Ethan Anderton @Ethan_Anderton

"In ROBOCOP, Alex Murphy doesn't die. He's merely dramatically, robotically enhanced after being fatally wounded."
Silly me....I always thought "fatally wounded" meant dead.
TelaVizion - 7/19/2013, 11:27 PM
It seemed like they all wanted to "hate" the movie, but the footage changed their views
TomServo629 - 7/20/2013, 12:12 AM
Why does everything have to be watered down PG 13? I'm sick of everything being made for 15 year olds. I Love the original Robocop, but F*ck this. I'll pass
BlindJustice - 7/20/2013, 12:44 AM
What's with the all black get-up? Even his motorcycle is black! Look twice. Save a life my ass.

Yeah, PG-13...sounds like the studios are making everything PG-13 due to that rating being a money whore nowadays.
Whippet - 7/20/2013, 1:20 AM
I still worry that be looks more Cyborgcop than Robot.
zeroq0 - 7/20/2013, 1:24 AM
PG-13? [frick] that!
zeroq0 - 7/20/2013, 1:26 AM
PG-13? That means no hope. Society has ruined everything.
MightyZeus - 7/20/2013, 2:19 AM
Robocop remake movie fail of the year. Hasnt the studio learned that remakes are failing. eg. Conan, Total Recall ect.
GUNSMITH - 7/20/2013, 2:58 AM
SuperDan89 - 7/20/2013, 3:44 AM
18 rating or GTFO, it was refreshing seeing Dredd rated an 18. Do it again.
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