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PicolasCage - 3/6/2020, 7:47 AM
Kraven, Scorpion, and Chameleon seem the most likely just in terms of big Spidey villains who haven’t been done in live action before. Spot would be lowkey awesome too.

The REAL ones we’re waiting for are Boomerang and Kangaroo teamup though
ChrisRed - 3/6/2020, 8:07 AM
Kraven and Scorpion are really the perfect options for Spider-Man 3.
A lot of people mention Chameleon but isn't he kind of redundant? I mean, this takes place in a universe with super illusion-tech and shapeshifting aliens. Speaking objectively, What would be so special about a guy who can change his appearance?
I love Chameleon and hope they use him, but at the same time I hope they do something with him to make him stand out more.
WeaponXCII - 3/6/2020, 8:54 AM
@ChrisRed - Couldn’t the same he said about the comics version, since they have the same things, too? And couldn’t the same be said about characters like, say, Mystique?
ChrisRed - 3/7/2020, 2:05 AM
@WeaponXCII - maybe, but Chameleon was created back when the Marvel universe where more simple and heroes and villains didn't crossover as much.

Mystique is a mutant fighting for various causes and has close ties to many other characters like Rogue, Nightcrawler and many others...

All I'm saying is that I hope they make Chameleon stand out more in some way if he appears in a movie, which I'm sure they will.
WeaponXCII - 3/9/2020, 3:10 PM
@ChrisRed - Hey- just wanted to come back to this and respond, since you paid me the same courtesy. It's a fair point- can't really argue with that. Only I can say is he worked then, and he works today in a world with a lot more crossover. Actually, I don't really know that, since I'm not as up on the modern stuff. Do they still use him- and use him well?

And I think they definitely will make him stand out, as they always (try to) do with their characters. And they seem to have pretty much fixed their villain problem.
ChrisRed - 3/11/2020, 10:04 PM
@WeaponXCII - I actually don't know about Chameleon in the comics nowadays either.
Maybe they could use some ideas from the 90's show were he's this silent assassin working for hire. Always thought he was creepy because he didn't talk in his real form.

I agree that the villains has gotten a lot better in the MCU the later years. Both Vulture and Mysterio were great. Shocker was a bit of a letdown though but he could be fixed. If they ever do a Sinister Six lineup, I hope he's part of it and gets a prober costume.
KWilly - 3/6/2020, 8:07 AM
If they do Kraven (which admittedly makes sense), I hope they get Joe Manganeillo. 6 ft 5, intimidating af, and honestly looks like Kraven from the comics to the tee. Maybe up his strength to make it on par with Spidey’s, so he’s even a bigger threat.

Him towering over 5 ft 6 Tom Holland would be hysterical
ANewPope - 3/6/2020, 8:26 AM
@KWilly - Wouldn't wanna fight him
Jayman627 - 3/6/2020, 9:13 AM
@KWilly - This time, Flash won't miss lol

James695 - 3/6/2020, 8:11 AM
I’ve heard the Spider-Man villain in the third movie is to be Dr Next. Every time he gets near him in the movie Dr Next makes an unnecessary jump away forcing our hero and the audience to make a pointless journey to find out the next relevant plot information.
KrazyForKomix - 3/6/2020, 8:32 AM
ALL GOOD – with the possible exception of Doc Ock. So many other's to pick from, there's no need to try and surpass Molina's wonderful portrayal.
WeaponXCII - 3/6/2020, 8:50 AM
Whatever villain comes in the third (ok, not Big Wheel or Paste Pot Pete) I’m excited to see where they go with it.
GodHercules20 - 3/6/2020, 9:01 AM
Black Tarantula
ThunderThighs - 3/6/2020, 12:07 PM
@GodHercules20 - His debut issue was my first Marvel comic as a kid, lol
ThunderThighs - 3/6/2020, 12:08 PM
His next villain will also be scorned by Tony Stark in his past story. Calling it.
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